
Tullus d'lil Quarval-Sharess
The Hall of the Goddess will be responsible
for seeking new allies and new recruits.
Members of this division will be trained
in the proper procedures for this.
Members will be responsible for testing
and determining if allies are suitable
and what we are looking for.
All new recruits will be evaluated by
the Tullus prior to admittance after
they have met with the Nobles Division.

This division will also be responsible for
monitoring the channel for problems as they arise.
Should a member of this division encounter
or witness a problem within the channel
they are to contact Si'ver immediately
and proceed to take ss/log files of the incident.
These ss or bot logs should be immediately
e-mailed to Si'ver and Lil Valsahress.
If Si'ver is unavailable they are to contact me.
Should the both of us be unavailable they are to
seek out any council member for assisstance in
dealing with the matter. In the rare circumstances
that none of us are available they are to use
thier good judgement in dealing with the matter.
If it's someone who is threatening, being abusive etc
ss/log files should be taken then a
warning issued followed by a kick then a ban.

Hall of the Goddess

Ul'Ath'tallor Arch-Priestess Si'ver~Drow
Obok M'thain High Priest Red~Drow

Diplomacy Section
D'Milok Yathrin Paladin Priestess        
Sargtlin M'thain Warrior Priest -
Sargtlin M'thain Warrior Priest -
Peacekeepers Section
M'thain D'Aron Priest Knight     Istosuaco-Drow    
Yathrin Priestess -

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